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"No is a Good Word Illustrated by Urvashi Dubey  Written by Bharti Singh Published by Daffodil Lane Books  Synopsis: Have you ever wanted to say ‘no’ to someone but didn’t want to hurt their feelings? Are there times when you’ve wanted to say ‘no’ but ended up saying ‘yes’ instead, and it made you feel awful? Join Sia on a captivating journey as she learns to confidently and gracefully say ‘no’.  “Narrated with flair and rhyme, ‘No is a Good Word’ offers our kids a unique perspective—to be kind, but never ignore your own feelings.” - Mint Lounge  ""The illustrations by Urvashi Dubey are delightful and filled with details that entice children. They tell small stories of their own."" -Mint Lounge'"


This picture book serves as a friendly reminder to children and to adults that one does not need to say “yes” to everything if one does not want to.


Written by Bharti Singh
Published by Daffodil Lane Books
First Published: 2021
ISBN: 978-81-19197-26-2

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